We safeguard Dutch photographic heritage of the present and future and make it accessible to the public in all its diversity. In doing so, we always place photography in a contemporary context.
Mission and vision
We collect and showcase photography that reflects on the world. We strive to promote diversity and inclusion in every possible aspect, including our organization, programming, and collaborations. In this way, we enrich people's lives with meaningful visual stories.
Our goal is to become the international platform for Dutch photography: a place where debates about photography and the subjects that photographers challenge take place. Our rich collection is the foundation of this platform. It is and will remain a reflection of Dutch photography.
An enthusiastic team
The Dutch Photo Museum works with an enthusiastic team of around 40 permanent employees and a large group of volunteers. Together, we create visual stories that matter.
Het Nederlands Fotomuseum werkt samen met studenten van De Haagse Hogeschool en het Albeda College. Als leer-werkbedrijf biedt het museum studenten de kans om praktijkervaring op te doen. Het behandelen van een casus en volgen van een rondleiding door het museum behoren tot het programma.